• Montag, 30. September 2024 07:17

Blackwing Lair, 8. Juli 2020 20:14

Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian

Teilnehmer 41

Items 19

Käufer Name Itempool Droprate Wert
Ashx Cloak of the Brood Lord default 0 % 10
Cleai Ebony Flame Gloves default 0 % 10
Darkwinduck Elementium Ore default 3 % 0
Deek Aged core Leather Gloves default 0 % 10
Floozy Staff of the Shadow Flame default 0 % 900
Legendfierce Shadow Wing Focus Staff default 0 % 10
Legendfierce icon Kopf von Nefarian default 1 % 0
Nightbreed Elementium Reinforced Bulwark default 0 % 0
Nightbreed Helm of Endless Rage default 0 % 0
Oglog Emberweave Leggings default 0 % 10
Oglog Pauldrons of Wrath default 0 % 0
Pinkiej Elementium Ore default 3 % 0
Pinkiej Elementium Ore default 3 % 0
Sezzx Mantle of Prophecy default 0 % 10
Shaqealoheal Boots of Transcendence default 0 % 60
Shofy Cloak of Draconic Might default 0 % 800
Shofy Wristguards of Stability default 0 % 10
Trock Robe of volatile power default 0 % 10
Wildcombo Band of Accuria default 0 % 1200

Korrekturen 1

Grund Charaktere Wert
left earlier Orcodio -60

Klassenverteilung Loot-Verteilung


Klasse Prozent Teilnehmer
class 4 Magier
Main.Ashx, Main.Floozy, Main.PaxFor, Main.Seika, Main.Trock, Main.Xos
class 10 Krieger
Main.cherryvodka, Main.Deek, Main.Gervin, Main.GreyHornet, Main.Hanso, Main.Lubieburger, Main.Nightbreed, Main.Oglog, Main.Orctasy, Main.Ricktrolled, Main.Shofy, Main.Skylimits
class 6 Priester
Main.Cleai, Main.Crybabe, Main.Gehenna, Main.Pinkiej, Main.Sezzx, Main.Shaqealoheal
class 8 Schamane
Main.Darkwinduck, Main.Hl, Main.Legendfierce, Main.Meriadoc, Main.Orcodio, Main.Trogdor
class 2 Druide
class 7 Schurke
Main.Dolleman, Main.Mapito, Main.Vilderen, Main.Wildcombo, Main.Zu
class 9 Hexenmeister
Main.Hansara, Main.Plaguerat, Main.Sargaman
class 3 Jäger
Main.Shalora, Main.Vegangainz


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